How to cook roast potatoes in air fryer!?

 “Our $80 Air Fryer and Our Search for Perfect Crispy Potatoes”**

 "Our $80 Air Fryer and Our Search for Perfect Crispy Potatoes"**
“Our $80 Air Fryer and Our Search for Perfect Crispy Potatoes”**

My mother remembers clearly the day she requested an air fryer as a birthday present from me. After hearing about them from friends for weeks and constantly exploring healthier cooking alternatives, she became fascinated with them. At first, I was reluctant because an air fryer seemed like yet another kitchen appliance that would sit idle after just one use. But my mother insisted. She wanted healthier fries with less oil that were crispier – thus starting our search for the ideal air fryer together.


After some extensive research sessions and store visits, my mother and I finally decided on one that met our criteria – with its compact form factor at an acceptable cost of $80–we were excitedly ready to bring it home, where my mom immediately exclaimed in amazement:?I can see myself wearing that!? Upon unboxing it at home she exclaimed in delight:?This thing will change lives!” When unpacked at our home I remembered hearing what her words had said when first seeing this new-to-us thing- it instantly transformed her!?”Let’s make some crispy potatoes!”


First Attempt Fails Miserably: Crispy Failure


At first glance, air-fried potatoes seemed simple enough: Put potatoes in, set the timer, and out comes delicious crisp-gold perfection! However, our first attempt proved otherwise and proved more of a disaster than anticipated.


My mother eagerly anticipated taking that first bite–crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside–but when the timer went off, our excitement quickly dissipated into disappointment: these potatoes had unevenly been cooked; some areas soggier while others burned more rapidly than expected, leaving no chance of golden and crispy fries we had in mind.


How could this have gone so wrong? Our air fryer was meant to make everything simpler. But something had clearly gone amiss here. My mother looked at me with calm assurance and said, “Let’s figure this out together.”


Searching for the Perfect Potato


Last night, I decided to conduct my own investigation into air fryer potato recipes. Typing “how to cook potatoes in an air fryer” into Google search bar yielded no clear answers – instead there was an overwhelming volume of information from people offering their own methods and “secrets” to creating crispier potatoes in an air fryer.


Some recipes required parboiling potatoes first while others suggested cold soaking instead. Furthermore, some used excessive oil while others claimed too much was too much; and cooking times differed drastically: 10 minutes was suggested by some while 20 was also given by others. I was both impressed and puzzled!


After spending an hour going through all this information, reading reviews, watching videos, and taking mental notes of any advice that was consistent throughout, I developed a game plan. Testing out our favorite tips and tricks would lead us to our ultimate air fryer potato recipe.


My second experiment was conducted the following day, armed with all of my new knowledge. We worked together in the kitchen to make sure that everything went according to plan this time. We worked together to get it right this time.

The way we cooked roast potatoes in air fryer


  1. Parboiling**: One of the more frequently suggested steps was parboiling potatoes first to soften and aid air fryer use in crisping them up more easily. We conducted this step for around 5 minutes until just their edges started softening slightly.
  2. Drying: Once our potatoes were drained and rinsed off, we left them out on a rack to air-dry for several minutes after draining – my research indicates that excess moisture robs crispiness of its crunchiness.
  3. Oil and Seasoning: At this step, we tossed our potatoes in olive oil along with salt and pepper for maximum color enhancement and extra spice with my mother adding extra paprika for even more zest!
  4. The Air Fryer: For our second attempt with an air fryer, I made sure it was preheated beforehand – something we missed the first time around but which made a significant difference in results. Once heated up, we placed potatoes without overcrowding its basket so hot air could circulate evenly through it and ensure an even cooking process.
  5. Shaking the Basket**: Halfway through my cooking time, I removed my basket from the oven and gently gave it a shake; this ensured all sides of my potatoes had become crunchy and tasty!


My mother and I exchanged nervous glances after 15 minutes had passed; both knew something momentous was about to occur.


Success at last: Delicious Potatoes!   ( Successful roasted potatoes cooking in the air fryer!?  ) 


As soon as I pulled the basket out, we saw exactly what we’d been anticipating: golden-brown potatoes that seemed freshly made by professional chefs! My mother gasped happily; this is exactly what had been waiting!


After giving them time to cool for just a brief period, we took our first bite and it was exactly as imagined: Crispy on the outside with soft tender inside; perfectly seasoned with just enough oil for their signature crunchiness.


My mother exclaimed with pride, “We did it! We have finally conquered the air fryer.”


Recipe of air fryer roast potatoes


After several attempts at perfecting our technique, we finally created a reliable recipe which could be repeated consistently. Here it is for anyone struggling with their air fryer journey:


Ingredients required for this recipe include 4 medium sized potatoes (Yukon Gold or Russet), 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to your preference (or optional paprika/garlic powder), fresh herbs for garnish (optional).


Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes Cooking Instructions

1. Peel and cut potatoes into wedges or cubes depending on personal taste, peel them again before parboiling in salted water for five minutes prior to air-drying for several minutes after draining and air drying for several more. 3. Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and any additional flavors desired before placing into an air fryer at 400 degF (200degC).

  1. Cook potatoes in an even layer for 15 minutes in an electric frypan at 350 F (177 C), stirring the basket half-way to ensure evenness of cooking
  2.  Check after 15 minutes have passed to see whether further time needs to be added (3-5 min if necessary) in order to achieve crispiness before garnishing as desired with fresh herbs.
  3.  Enjoy immediately while fresh herbs make for beautiful presentation!


Reflection on Starting Experimentation (Experimental Approach to Change Management)


What began as an unpleasant kitchen experience quickly transformed into an exciting culinary journey for my mother and me. Together we found great pleasure in learning the ropes of using an air fryer together; discovering its capabilities while enjoying experimentation in the kitchen. Now our air fryer has become one of our go-to kitchen gadgets; we use it regularly for creating sweet potato fries, roast vegetables and breakfast items such as air-fried eggs!


My experience mastering air fryer potatoes taught me that success comes through trial and error. If you are new to air frying, don’t allow failed attempts discourage you; with patience and the appropriate tips you will soon be creating delicious crispy perfection!


What’s more, who knows – perhaps just like us you will discover an indispensable kitchen tool!


This is the end of my story with the air fryer and roasted potatoes..but it is not the end of everything. I suggest you read this article, which I am sure you will like very much.

 How a YouTube Video Inspired Me to Create 10 Healthy Breakfast Muffins


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